Mo Top 3 Inspirations
When it finally dawns on us that no one really cares about what we are doing, what we are trying to achieve, what we are wearing, what we are thinking about or how much we weigh, we are free to become ourselves and do what we want.
Everyone is so busy with their thoughts, reflections and life happening to them that they barely have the time to think of others. Some might give us a few seconds of their time to make a snide comment, put us down and feel superior.
But the truth is that most people don’t give a shit.
That thought alone should be liberating for us all. Yet, we still fall for the trap of wanting the approval of others. We carry this urge from childhood, wishing for the acceptance of our parents, teachers, siblings, and peer group.
We never stop to think that most people are so busy with their reflections to put us at the forefront of their minds. Why?
Perhaps, we want to stay with our longing because the alternative is terrifying. The fact that this is it, that there is no one to blame. No chance to say I’ll wait until this or that, means that we alone are responsible for what we do and who we become.
We tell ourselves that we are broken from the inside rather than take ownership of our actions, decisions and direction. It’s far easier to do so than the actual work, the tough grind that gives us the results that we’ve dreamt of getting.
Rick Rubin on Creativity
Creativity is not a rare ability only found in those preternaturally inclined. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human.
These are profound words from today’s guest Rick Rubin.
An absolute icon of modern music whose influence on culture has been nothing short of titanic, Rick Rubin is one of the greatest music producers of all time, noted for his unique — and some might say counter-intuitive — way in which he is able to help manifest the absolute best in every artist he works with.
Rick is the founder of Def Jam records and a former president of Columbia Records who now runs his own label, American Recordings. Over the course of his storied career, has worked with a litany of greats that includes The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Johnny Cash, The Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Jay Z, Adele — the list goes on.
— The Rich Roll Podcast
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
―John Lubbock,The Use Of Life