Mo’s Top 3 Inspirations
We give too much importance to improving ourselves and the world around us while diminishing the effect of simply enjoying and experiencing this world.
The truth is that we exist on earth for only a short while. So why can’t we occasionally treat life as an exciting adventure trying to make the best out of it while allowing it to unravel its many mysteries onto us?
Dolce Far Niente is an Italian concept brought to the world by Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love. It translates to “the sweetness of doing nothing.” It is similar to Buddhist teachings that preach being present, not trying to strive for anything, so as to get lost in the spontaneity of the moment.
In our modern technology age, we are always looking for ways to engage the mind. We think that we can actually save the world. It’s like we’re under the impression that we’ve been given a mandate by God to save our Universe. (The stark truth is that we are destroying it.)
We’ve busied ourselves into believing that life is too severe for us to relax naturally into sheer pleasure.
Why can’t we instead have a life free of anxiety, overwhelm and the unbelievable amount of expectations we have imposed on ourselves? That means not being rushed but having the time to smell the roses, coffee or whatever you’d like to smell today.
A life lived without the intensity of feelings is one without meaning. Likewise, a life impersonating a headless chicken running around every day to get things done will leave no imprint on our dying selves or those that we leave behind.
I struggle with doing nothing. It’s like I feel I’m nothing when I’m not doing anything. But, and therein lies the problem, I haven’t permitted myself to do nothing. It’s like I always feel guilty when I miss a task, no matter how futile it is.
The reality is, and it’s slowly dawning on me, that we should be okay with doing nothing. Not every activity must be a means to an end. Sitting on the sofa does not mean I have to watch TV. Taking a walk need not be measured for distance and speed. Watching the birds in nature doesn’t have to be labelled as a mindful exercise to be done on Wednesdays at 5 pm.
Podcast: Richard Shotton | Modern Wisdom Podcast
Richard Shotton is a behavioural scientist, Founder of Astroten and an author. This might not be news to you, but the human brain isn’t designed to be rational. There are cheat codes to get the brain to believe strange things, do strange things and change in ways you might not anticipate.
“…rest is when you’re not associating your self-worth with what you have to do next.” — Lawrence Yeo, The Riddle of Rest